What is the Journey Inward?
It might be described as learning to follow Jesus from “The Inside-Out.” We believe that in the context of all we are called to be and do, the Journey Inward forms the foundation for everything. The Journey Inward is the practice of the presence of God in every aspect of our lives. It is the eternal quest of allowing God to shape and form our soul, our being. To that end, our Journey Inward includes:
Prayer has had an impact on our faith community that transcends words. We feel very clearly called to be a house of prayer, a community of people engaged in conversation with and presence to God in our every waking moment. We seek to be prayerfully present to God, to one another, and to our neighbor. We gratefully encourage our faith community to be engaged in prayer on a daily, set-aside basis. We are called to enjoy learning about prayer together. We often meet during our education hour and during the week to discuss the various disciplines of prayer, including the prayer of intercession, the prayer of praise and thanksgiving, the prayer of silence, and the prayer of Lectio Divina, or the meditation on a short section of the Word of the Lord.
Our Journey Inward begins with our worship of God. We gather every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. for rich, vibrant worship. Singing and celebrating, sharing our joys and concerns, verbal prayer and silent prayer, and listening for and internalizing the Word of God. Corporate worship puts God at the forefront of our being, and restores our perspective, our priorities, and our gratitude. We strongly encourage our faith community to engage God on a daily basis, through prayer, meditation, silence, spiritual reading, and the scriptures. We have many musicians and singers in our church, and we are deeply grateful that Covenant is such a music-filled community.
The Band
The band is a source of great joy for Covenant Church. We are singers, pianists, violinists, guitarists, bass players, ukulele players, percussionists, and more. We thrive on playing and singing music from many sources and styles, and from all over the world. We may do some old-time favorites, and we’re always on the lookout for fresh, new, ecumenical and inclusive songs. Covenant has always been a very musical place, and “The Band” is a big part of it all!
The Choir
The choir has been a fixture during our morning worship since Covenant was founded. Many members and visitors note that our choir is small, and has a big sound! The choir enjoys singing a broad array of musical styles, and sings two times a month from September through May.
Bible Studies
Bible Studies are offered periodically at Covenant by both members and guests. For example, Covenant member Jeff Warhurst has recently facilitated a discussion of “Women and Men of the Bible.” Over the years, Reverend Emeritas Miriam Baar-Bush has facilitated many offerings. All are always welcome. Check Covenant Community Church Facebook or call the office for details on what is happening currently.
Nursery is available for infants through age 3, 9:45 – 11:20 a.m. Your children are welcome with you in our Sanctuary at all times! For your comfort, our nursery is conveniently located on the lower level beneath the sanctuary for you to care for your young child’s needs at any time during your visit, and our nursery staff is grateful to care for your child while you attend worship.